Polaris Bios Editor One Click Timing Patch


This a basic guide on how to flash your GPU with a BIOS created in PolarisBiosEditor. Please make sure you understand all the risks that comes with playing with the BIOS before you try this. I dont take any responsibility of damages.

  • Fixed and Updated all Timing's. Added New strap for Micron and Hynix. Added option for choosing timings on samsung between uber-mix 3.1 and 3.2, and on Micron between Good Micron timing and S Micron timing. Added option for max. (after one click timing patch button click automatically change max.
  • Fixed and Updated all Timing's; Added New strap for Micron and Hynix; Added option for choosing timings on samsung between uber-mix 3.1 and 3.2, and on Micron between Good Micron timing and S Micron timing. Added Icon; Added option for max. (after one click timing patch button click automatically change max. To 2300 MHz) v1.6.8.

(I dont claim my way is the only way nor the best way, but this is how I do it and it might be useful to someone)

Polaris Bios Editor One Click Timing Patch Reviews

One click timing patch (samsung, hynix, elpida, micron) v1.5. Added FanControlMode setting; implemented some timing editor related code (not usable yet) v1.4.1. Replaced WPF components with Windows Forms to archive mono compatibility; Recommended Related Articles: SRBPolaris (BIOS editor for AMD) ATIFlash / ATI WinFlash (BIOS editor).

Polaris Bios Editor One Click Timing Patch Instructions

You will need a computer with Windows.

Polaris Bios Editor One Click Timing Patch

Download this two programs and install them:



Polaris Bios Editor One Click Timing Patch Download

  1. Turn off PC and insert the GPU you want to flash into a free 16x PCI slot.

  2. Turn on PC. When in Windows start ATIWinFlash as admin (right click-run as admin).

  3. Make sure you have selected correct card in the top corner where it says 'System Video Device'. (Pls note that only AMD cards will be shown here and if there is no AMD card connected ATIWinFlash will not start)

  4. Click on 'Save' and save the bios on your computer. Make sure you save it somewhere safe, in case you might need it in the future. Since this is the original BIOS. You can then close ATIWinFlash.

  5. Now open PolarisBiosEditor. And click 'OPEN BIOS' and find the BIOS you created earlier. (Make sure you are showing all files . if you cant find it)

  6. After you have opened your BIOS click on 'ONE CLICK TIMING PATCH'. You should then get a windows that confirms that it have applied new straps.

  7. Save this new modded BIOS. Make sure you dont overwrite the original BIOS. Then you can close PolarisBiosEditor.

  8. Now open ATIWinFlash as admin again. Once again make sure you have selected the right GPU under 'System Video Devices' Click on 'Load Image' and load the modded BIOS.

  9. Click on 'Program' and that should flash your modded BIOS onto your GPU.

  10. Turn off computer, take out GPU put it into minning rig.

  11. Profit.